For the first time since our first Thanksgiving living together, when we were too poor to travel home, my husband and I spent the holiday weekend with just each other for company. We decided to road trip up to the family cottage to spend a cold and cloudy Thanksgiving cuddled up by the fire together.
We usually try to make the 5-6 hour car + boat ride as efficiently as possible, only stopping for tea, gas or bathroom breaks when we must, but we chose to do things differently this time. With Pepper in tow, and no one to meet at the marina, we decided to take our time and do a little exploring on the way to give Pepper a chance to pee and stretch her legs.
We stopped in Peterborough, ON to visit the highest lift lock in the world. We didn’t really know what to expect. We thought we would walk around and explore a National Historic Site while the weather held out and then hop back in the car once the dog got bored. However, shortly after arriving, we were told a boat would be coming through the lock in just a few minutes! We got to watch the lock work from both the bottom and the top, making for a very exciting stop on our little road trip.

Coat ModCloth
Pants ModCloth
Boots L.L.Bean
Bag ModCloth
T-shirt ModCloth
Cardigan Modcloth
Necklace Emery & Opal
Barrette very old
Socks Walmart
Slippers White Noise Maker

All photos by me and Matt.