June Favourites

The trees are in full leaf, flower and vegetable gardens are growing and summer vacations are booked. June is here and we’ve got the whole summer ahead of us. Here are my favourite things for this carefree month.

1. Slim Summer Purses

June Favourites \\ Sophster-Toaster Blog

Dawning Collective’s Dusk Miniature Purse

2. Whimsical art to lighten up the indoors.

June Favourites \\ Sophster-Toaster Blog

Thimble Sparrow’s “Summer Days” Print

3. Easy, Casual T-shirts
Berry Well Then Tee

ModCloth’s Berry Well Then Tee

4. Accessories for Summer Entertaining

June Favourites \\ Sophster-Toaster Blog

Whistler Woodcraft’s Brass Trimmed Bobbin Candle Holder

5. This firecracker cupcake recipe for Canada Day at the cottage.

June Favourites \\ Sophster-Toaster Blog

Make Bake Celebrate’s Pop Rocks Cupcakes Recipe