Work Appropriate Summer Wears

Dressing for the office can be quite difficult in the summer. It can be hard to find the right combination of clothing to feel warm enough while sitting in an air conditioned office and cool enough while commuting in sweltering afternoon temperatures. Summer is the time for bright, colourful fabrics, the time for soft, delicate dresses and the time for freeing your legs from the tyranny of pants! No one should have to wear their dreary wool all summer long just to feel warm and conservative at work. Here are some delightful summer duds that are neither too heavy and drab, nor too light and quixotic for the workplace. Continue reading

A Woman’s Wardrobe

The most difficult part of building a respectable, adult wardrobe, aside from the cost, is developing your own cohesive style without accumulating too many pattern, colour or structure doubles. I, for one, would have a closet full of polka dots if I brought home every garment that caught my eye. Through the many years of building a classic, timeless wardrobe on a budget, I have found that the best way to avoid saying, “I have nothing to wear” while staring eagerly at an overstuffed dresser, hoping that if you look at it just the right way, all of those rainy summer afternoons you spent with those Magic Eye books as a child would not have been in vain and you might be able to see something that wasn’t there before, is to shop by colour. Continue reading