Pepper has always been quite the little troublemaker. We were lucky enough to survive both of the puppy chewing phases without too much damage to our house or anything we love. We lost most of our cardboard coasters, a few water glasses that got in the way of her forbidden coaster love, and we need to repaint some trim and windowsills but we managed to through it without her destroying anything major. The one thing she did get, however, was a book I forgot to put away one day – and it broke my heart.
It wasn’t a rare or vintage book, just a pretty, hardcover copy of Jane Austen’s Emma, but I was still upset by the lost. Pepper got a hold of it while I was working upstairs, roughed the covers up pretty badly, chewed all the pages and ripped some of them out. I couldn’t bring myself to throw it away and it was in no condition to be donated to anything other than an art project.
I replaced the book when I saw it on sale and held onto the destroyed version with the hope that I could use it for something. The other day I finally found a project. I pulled some of the remaining pages out and taped them up in my work room to use as a backdrop for pictures. I’m really happy with how it turned out and so pleased that the book has lived on in another form.
Jumper Mod Dolly
Sweater L.L.Bean
Nylons Target
Slippers White Noise Maker
Barrette old
All photos by me.