Morning Frost / Pretty Polly Heatsense Tights Review

Morning Frost / Pretty Polly Heatsense Tights Review | Sophster-Toaster Blog

I’ve had my eye on these Pretty Polly extra thick winter tights since the weather first started turning cold. I’ve picked up a few of the brand’s tights and stockings at my local drug store and they’ve all become quick favourites. The high quality and cute, yet practical, designs are everything I’ve ever wanted in tights. When I saw the entire Pretty Polly rack at my local Shopper’s Drug Mart on clearance this past weekend, I quickly grabbed the last pair of 80 denier Heatsense tights.

These tights claim to be made with special yarn that helps retain body heat in the cold, on top of being luxuriously thick. I decided to test them out on a frosty January morning. Putting them on, I could tell they were unlike other tights. The fabric is very soft and heavy and has only a little less stretch than regular tights. They were almost too warm when I was running around the house all layered up after a hot shower. Stepping outside into the soft winter sun, I barely felt the cold. It was almost like wearing thin jeans. After about 45 minutes of walking around my neighbourhood and stopping by a local park on a frosty, just below zero (Celsius) morning, only my toes were cold. My legs were cozy and comfortably warm the entire time.

When it gets colder, I will probably layer these tights with boot socks or, because they are so thick and opaque, I could probably wear merino wool liner socks underneath and no one would know. I’ve heard tell of 200 denier fleece lined tights made by Pretty Polly. If I ever come across them, I would buy them in a heartbeat!

Morning Frost / Pretty Polly Heatsense Tights Review | Sophster-Toaster Blog Morning Frost / Pretty Polly Heatsense Tights Review | Sophster-Toaster BlogMorning Frost / Pretty Polly Heatsense Tights Review | Sophster-Toaster Blog Morning Frost / Pretty Polly Heatsense Tights Review | Sophster-Toaster BlogMorning Frost / Pretty Polly Heatsense Tights Review | Sophster-Toaster Blog Morning Frost / Pretty Polly Heatsense Tights Review | Sophster-Toaster Blog

Dress ModCloth
Coat Old Navy
Hat ModCloth
Mittens Roots
Scarf H&M
Tights Shoppers Drug Mart
Shoes ModCloth
Camera Bag Amazon
Button Sparkle Collective

Morning Frost / Pretty Polly Heatsense Tights Review | Sophster-Toaster Blog

I sure hope they aren’t going to stop selling these tights because they are truly amazing. It’s nice to see them in person before buying but if they do stop offering them, the tights can still be found online through the Pretty Polly website.

All photos by me.

January Favourites

The lights have come down, the tree’s been taken to be composted and all the Christmas magic is gone. It’s January and time to embrace the real winter. Here are my favourite things for the month where we try to stay positive.

1. A pretty place to get dressed in the morning.

January Favourites | Sophster-Toaster Blog

Urban Outfitters’ Aimee Jewelry Storage Hanging Mirror

2. Vintage-inspired Underwear

January Favourites | Sophster-Toaster Blog

What Katie Did’s Bullet Bra Harlow Nouveau

3. Beautifully Packaged Cosmetics

January Favourites | Sophster-Toaster Blog

Sephora’s Bésame Cosmetics Brightening Setting Face Powder

4. Winter Brights
Styled at Heart Tights

ModCloth’s Styled at Heart Tights

5. Botanical Jewellery

January Favourites | Sophster-Toaster Blog

Kate’s Little Store’s Jungle Green House Necklace

All photos courtesy of retailers.

Winter Mood

Winter Mood | Sophster-Toaster Blog

Winter will be here soon. Although I’m excited to experience the first winter in our first house, I’m also a little worried about how my mood and emotions will fare once the Christmas magic and anticipation have passed. I used to have a really rough time staying upbeat, happy, optimistic and hopeful during the long and cold Canadian winters but I’ve been doing a little better every year since deciding to take preventative action. I’ve developed a few strategies I find helpful for avoiding or coping with winter sadness that I would like to share with you today in hope that you can find something that might work for you.

Winter Mood | Sophster-Toaster Blog

The first big change I made since growing up and not being too cool to wear and hat, scarf and proper boots, was to invest in good, cute and warm outwear. Over the years, I’ve collected a few different high quality coats, boots and accessories so I always have something the works. I have a cute toque for everyday, a gorgeous hand knit headband for when my hair just isn’t right for my tuque, light mittens, warm mittens, a scarves in different colours and styles, a fun coat, a more practical coat, and warm, waterproof boots. Being able to build up layers suitable for any weather, and actually being comfortably warm outside, has made all the difference. It’s no wonder I hated winter when I was standing outsize, freezing in just a coat, mittens and the wrong shoes.

Another important thing I now do during the winter is to go outside and appreciate the sunny, slightly warmer days. Hiding inside all winter just makes me more miserable. Now I try to get out and good for walks, making sure to visit the spots that were summer favourites. I’m always amazed by how beautiful and serene the forest can be on a winter day. Going out and seeing how much activity is still going on in nature, even though all the people have cowered away, can really change the way you think about the season that is supposedly dormant.

Winter Mood | Sophster-Toaster Blog

This time of year can feel like a losing battle when the days are getting shorter by minutes everyday. When all I want to do is put on my pajamas and watch tv from sunset (4:49 pm on the day I am writing this) to bedtime every night, I find it helpful to pick up a hobby to occupy those dark hours. This year I’ve been trying to make fun, healthy, homemade dinners with my husband at least five nights a week. When we put so much focus into preparing a proper meal, it’s easy to forget it’s been dark for two hours before we start eating.

On that note, something I’ve just started doing this year, is trying to keep the kitchen stocked with lots of fresh fruits and vegetables. I try to focus on the vegetables that are still in season locally while also mixing in some tropical fruit that is coming into season elsewhere. I ate grapefruit for the first time last week and really enjoyed it! (I know, I assumed I would hate it because I hate grapefruit juice.) I hope to make a habit of grapefruit breakfasts throughout the winter to bring a little bit of summer sunshine to those cold and gloomy days. I hope striving to eat a healthy and colourful diet, while everything outside the dining room window is drab and bleak, will help me stay happy and energetic during the winter.

My last tip seems so simple, but can be one of the hardest to achieve. I find it so crucial to my happiness in the cold months to ignore that desire to hibernate every night and try to get out with friends, family or my husband at least once a week. Just getting out of the house to go huddle with them in theirs – especially if they have a fireplace – and doing the same for them, can make a huge difference to the way I feel. Every year when it starts to get really cold, my husband and I go out to a great, a-little-fancier-than-usual restaurant, just to enjoy the intimate dining room with the huge, beautifully decorated wood-burning fireplace. We look forward to it all year. It gives something special back to the season where it feels like nothing happens after New Year’s Day.

Winter Mood | Sophster-Toaster Blog

Between bundling up properly, and getting excited about it too, getting out to be social or stay active, taking up a hobby, and eating healthy (yay grapefruit!), I hope you can take at least one tip from me and work it into your winter self-care routine!

Winter Mood | Sophster-Toaster Blog Winter Mood | Sophster-Toaster Blog Winter Mood | Sophster-Toaster Blog Winter Mood | Sophster-Toaster Blog

Top Oast House Brewers
Jeans GAP
Socks H&M

Winter Mood | Sophster-Toaster Blog

All photos by me.

February Favourites

The days are slowly becoming longer, brighter and warmer and I’m tired of wearing all the layers I was once exited to pull out for autumn. A fresh bouquet of perky pink tulips sits in my kitchen as a promise that spring will soon be here. It must be February. Here are the things that have stolen my heart this month:

1. A pastel serving dish for all the local spring vegetables that will be sprouting soon.

February Favourites \\ Sophster-Toaster Blog


2. My favourite macaron recipe book, which I always seem to pull out at this time of year.

February Favourites \\ Sophster-Toaster Blog

I Love Macarons by Hisako Ogita via Amazon

3. Every 3D printed cookie cutter from Printmeneer, but mostly this geometric diamond.

February Favourites \\ Sophster-Toaster Blog

Printmeneer’s Diamond Cookie Cutter

4. Spring coloured outwear, because it’s still Canada out there.

February Favourites \\ Sophster-Toaster Blog

Natalie Knit’s Hand Knit Ear Flap Hat

5. Transitional shoes for when winter melts into spring.

Back in a Splash Rain Shoe in Black Dots

ModCloth’s Back in a Splash Rain Shoe in Black Dots