Christmas Giveaway: 2 Retro Handmade Garlands

Christmas Giveaway! 2 Retro Handmade Garlands \\ Sophster-Toaster Blog

Time for a Christmas giveaway! This time I’m giving away two of my handmade tinsel chain garlands from the Sophster-Toaster shop. That’s enough to trim the tree nicely, but they can also be used to decorate the mantle, the bar cart or overhead the dining table for added party sparkle.

Christmas Garland Giveaway \\ Sophster-Toaster Blog Christmas Garland Giveaway \\ Sophster-Toaster Blog Christmas Garland Giveaway \\ Sophster-Toaster Blog

They come in eight colour options. You can have your choice of pink, blue, white, green, red, gold, silver or multicoloured (learn more about the colour options here). You could get two of the same colour or mix it up with two different strands!

Enter the Christmas giveaway now

Please follow the Rafflecopter instructions below to enter.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

The giveaway is open to everyone and ends at midnight on Sunday, November 8th. One winner will be chosen at random and announced here, on Twitter and on the Sophster-Toaster Facebook page on Monday, November  9th. They will also be contacted by the email address provided in the entry form.

Good Luck!