The Christmas Debt

The holidays have come and gone once more, but for me this year was unique, it was my first Christmas away from home. Even when I was studying abroad (when you grow up in a town where you’re never more than a few kilometers away from a cornfield, a 3 hour drive is considered abroad) I still came home for the holidays and, more importantly, had financial support from my parents. Continue reading

Premarital Intimacy

There are many conversations that need to be had between a couple that are thinking of forming a small family unit. Throughout our year long engagement, two year cohabitation and total eight year relationship, my fiancé and I feel confident that we have eliminated all possible conflict inducing surprises. We have both watched helplessly as each of our families fell apart and we have seen what can happen when crucial conversations are not had before entering into wedlock with your perceived perfect soul-mate. I may not have more than a few psychology credits in my past but what I do have is experience, and in my experience, the following conversation topics are part of the essential matters that must be discussed before committing to put up with someone for the rest of your lives. Continue reading

Debt Detox II

Once you’ve obtained freedom from debt, your next trick will be to remain there. Whether you’ve worked hard to pay off a debt or you’ve worked hard to prevent becoming indebted, it can be hard to stay there. Life can change quite quickly; you decide to go to school, buy a house, get married or have a baby, you have extra expenses and you can’t spend what you used to; habits, feelings and ideals can take time to catch up. This adaptation period is rarely available in times of change, but there are initiatives you can implement to ensure this rite of passage does not allow you to lapse into debt. Continue reading

Debt Detox I

The lucky ones make it to their twenties without inuring an unfathomable amount of debt. It seems that these days the lucky ones are becoming fewer and father between. Although I was one of them, my fiancé was not so fortunate. Now his debt is quickly becoming my debt and we are both paying for it. Climbing out from underneath a soul-crushing debt load can be perilous, with many pitfalls along the way, to prevent you from ever completing the journey. There is one ray of hope for the tragic majority, the right way to quickly and efficiently pay off your debt. Continue reading