Summary of Melissa Fisher’s “Wall Street Women: Engendering Global Finance in the Manhattan Landscape”

The trailblazers for women on Wall Street were not involved with the feminist movement during the early days of their educations and careers (Fisher 2010:263). Despite this, they, through the creation of a group for professional women in finance, opened the door for the following generations of Wall Street women to make a significant impact on the lives, rights and career potentials of women around the globe. Continue reading

Missing the Movement

Feminists say, “A woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle,” and although this is true, it seems today that all women, whether feminist or feminine, frown upon any woman who wants to keep a man, regardless of her need for one. After coming of age in a home that did not include my father, living with female roommates and then moving in with the man who is now my husband, I can honestly say, it is really nice to have a man around the house. I don’t need him to take out to garbage, squish the spiders or hook up the electronics, but he is there, he loves me and he wants to help me. What is so wrong with that? Continue reading