Bring Back the Thighs

My earliest memory of feeling self-conscious took place when I was about six years old and being picked up from school by my father. It must have been a Friday because he was also picking up my cousin of the same age and our friend. As we buckled up our seat-belts in the backseat of the hot car I noticed something, even though the three of us were pretty close in height and weight, my thighs looked bigger than theirs. This was the beginning of a life-long insecurity about my thighs, reinforced every time I would watch my mother getting ready for a night out and listen to her complaining about the very same part of her body. Throughout my life, I have worked hard to maintain a healthy body, but all of the discipline and determination in the world couldn’t make up for the fact that I have neglected to obtain a healthy body image. The time for change is long overdue. Continue reading

Resuscitating Chivalry

Located somewhere in the depths of the mysterious male mind is the desire to be the epitome of chivalry that seems to come so easy to the men in all those old movies. They just don’t know how.

But why should they? It’s not like we women expect it of them. Western society today doesn’t appreciate the man who holds the door, doesn’t praise the man who walks us home and doesn’t commend the man who opens the car door. We are outright shocked and bemused when a man pulls out our chair for us or rises when we leave a formal dining table. At least we will be the first time it happens to us. Continue reading