Category Archives: Life & Photography

My Everyday Carry

My Everyday Carry | Sophster-Toaster Blog

Here they are: the secret contents of my purse. The things I carry everyday. Depending on the day, the weather, the plan or the purse, I frequently carry more, but never less.

So, what’s always at my side?

( from top, down; left to right)

  • chap stick (Lip Smacker, bubblegum flavour)
  • stitch ripper
  • safety pins
  • handkerchief
  • cleaning cloth for my glasses
  • compact mirror
  • wallet
  • notebook
  • hand lotion
  • gum (the weirder, the better)
  • ruler
  • band-aid
  • pen
  • nail file
  • Tide To Go spot/stain remover
  • lighter
  • business cards

My Everyday Carry | Sophster-Toaster Blog

Some of the things I would be absolutely lost without are my stitch ripper, safety pins, pen, notebook and ruler. As a seamstress, I can’t responsibly leave the house without my stitch ripper and safety pins. They have saved the day on many occasions at weddings, parties and markets. I take a strange joy in asking a man if his suit jacket is new and then helping him remove the temporary stitching on the vents. I use my pen and notebook everyday for lists, ideas, recording or giving out information. I don’t know how others live without them. My ruler is especially handy when shopping or settling those strange arguments that only happen between close friends.

My Everyday Carry | Sophster-Toaster Blog

I don’t get to use my lighter often, but I keep it full and ready for those exciting occasions when someone needs a gentleman to light a candle or cigarette. I delight in being a gentlemanly woman among average men.

Some things you may think are missing from my bag are keys, phone and tampons. I hate carrying keys. I don’t drive often and we installed a fancy, futuristic keypad code lock the first day in our new house, so I don’t have much use for keys and frequently forget to take them when I leave the house. I do usually carry my phone, but not always. It’s far too easy for me to work from my phone, so I leave it behind when I need to force myself to rest, relax and be present. I recently freed myself from the need to carry a clutch of tampons and liners when I switched to a menstrual cup and Thinx period panties backup system (both of which I highly recommend). I don’t leave the house feeling unprepared for life with a uterus anymore, so I don’t usually need to carry any disposable products with me.

My Everyday Carry | Sophster-Toaster Blog

All photos be me.

Dreaming of a White Christmas

Dreaming of a White Christmas | Sophster-Toaster Blog

I once read that we imagine Christmas as snowy thanks to Charles Dickens. All of his Christmas stories feature a cold, snowy Christmas season, even though the holiday is only a few days into winter – and rarely sees more than a slight dusting of snow in reality. Scholars think this is because Dickens’ childhood took place during an unusually cold decade and he grew up seeing more Christmases with a heavy blanket of snow than not.

When I first learned this fact, it remind me of my own childhood, growing up in the snow belt of Southern Ontario. It was normal for us to get a few big snow storms in November, I even remember having snow ball fights with my brother on his birthday at the end of October, and have that snow stick around and build through March and sometimes into April. My mom had a running joke about dreaming of a green Christmas and I remember wondering what that would be like, since I had only known white Christmases. As a teenager, the snow seemed lighter, but it was still always there. Then I moved to where I live now in the Niagara Region microclimate where most Christmases are brown and a snowfall before January is highly unusual. Sure driving is safer and there’s no shovelling to do, but I find myself missing the snow very much at Christmastime. There is just something so magical about a soft, fresh, downy blanket of snow covering the houses with colourful Christmas light glowing from underneath and the way the city seems so quiet and still before people have left their warm homes and covered the snow in footprints.

That’s why I was so excited when we got a big snow storm last week! It’s nearly all melted away now, but I made sure to get out and enjoy as much of it as I could while it was here, starting with grabbing my camera and heading out the morning after the storm to capture the city all done up for Christmas.

Dreaming of a White Christmas | Sophster-Toaster Blog Dreaming of a White Christmas | Sophster-Toaster Blog Dreaming of a White Christmas | Sophster-Toaster Blog Dreaming of a White Christmas | Sophster-Toaster Blog Dreaming of a White Christmas | Sophster-Toaster Blog Dreaming of a White Christmas | Sophster-Toaster Blog Dreaming of a White Christmas | Sophster-Toaster Blog Dreaming of a White Christmas | Sophster-Toaster Blog Dreaming of a White Christmas | Sophster-Toaster Blog Dreaming of a White Christmas | Sophster-Toaster Blog Dreaming of a White Christmas | Sophster-Toaster Blog Dreaming of a White Christmas | Sophster-Toaster Blog Dreaming of a White Christmas | Sophster-Toaster Blog

All photos by me.

The Puppy

It feels like things are just starting to get back to normal since we brought the puppy home just over two months ago. Pepper turns 18 weeks old today and I’m just now able to keep up on orders, make new designs for the shop and create content for the blog like I did before, all while giving her the care and attention she needs. I’ve typed a lot of weird, desperate and frantic questions into google these past two months but the one I searched for the most, and never really found an answer to, was, when do puppies learn to chill.

The Puppy | Sophster-Toaster Blog

I knew bringing a puppy home, especially when I work full time from home, would be a lot of hard work. I did plenty of research leading up to the day – and I’ve raised one puppy and one difficult rescue dog before with my family – but I was not prepared for just how physically and emotionally taxing the first couple of weeks and months can be when you are the adult in charge. I felt like I’d given up my entire life to care for this rambunctious puppy that did nothing but pee on the floor and bite me. I could feel myself falling in love with her, and her bonding with me too, but the emotional strain of working doubly hard all day to get half as much work done and then not being able to relax and unwind at the end of it because she’s still here and still needs me was overwhelming at times. Add to that the constant fear that I’m doing everything wrong and will raise a bad dog and you can see why I really needed to know when this puppy would learn to sit still long enough for me to catch my breath.

I read many discouraging non-answers to this important question, most being:

  1. Small dogs mature more quickly than big dogs. – ok, thanks
  2. The puppy phase generally lasts one year but can vary by size and breed, lasting anywhere from around eight months, to two years. – surely, there has to be some difference between a ten weeks old and ten months old!
  3. Dogs don’t “chill out” until they are one year old; three years old; seven years old; some never do. – I don’t expect a stuffed animal, I just need to know when I can have a second to myself

These answers were very unreassuring to the new owners of an Australian Shepherd, a breed known to be difficult due to it’s high intelligence and high energy levels. I understand where they are coming from, it’s a hard question to answer when every breed, even every dog, is going to be different and you want people to be prepared for the realities of dog ownership before they take it on, but come on! Giving these types of non-answers to such a frantic question can make a person in a normal situation feel hopeless. I desperately needed to know when I would have time to sit down again. I just wanted to know when this puppy would stop needing 100% of me, 100% of the time. When she would sit on the floor and calmly chew a toy instead of trying to bite me all the time. When she could go for a walk without going crazy and having a meltdown in the middle of the street. When she would stop tearing across the yard just to rip my clothes. When my husband could greet her after being at work all day and not have her demand a blood sacrifice. Most importantly, when would life with a dog be at least a little more joyful than it was miserable.

So here’s my answer.

For my dog, who is a medium sized herding breed, spends nap times behind a baby gate but has at least one owner at home 90% of the time, takes three walks a day, and has had consistent, positive reinforcement, “tough love” style training since day one, she has just started to “chill” at four and a half months. What I mean by this is, she still needs constant supervision but is now able to entertain herself with an appropriate activity for a few minutes at a time, she can cuddle on the couch without immediately getting mouthy and we are able to control and deescalate her meltdowns when they happen. She is still very much a puppy and her training is nowhere near over, but she is now a silly, polite and charming puppy more often than she is mean, frustrating and destructive hell-beast. She still has bratty moments and can struggle to control her emotions when she’s tired, but she is starting to become a good dog.

The Puppy | Sophster-Toaster Blog The Puppy | Sophster-Toaster Blog The Puppy | Sophster-Toaster Blog The Puppy | Sophster-Toaster BlogThe Puppy | Sophster-Toaster Blog

Dress Sophster-Toaster
Top H&M
Tights Target
Shoes ModCloth
Necklace Craft Arts Market / Emery & Opal

All photos by me.

Adventures in Analogue

Adventures in Analogue | Sophster-Toaster Blog

I visited Panama for a week with my mother last year. In addition to my fancy DSLR camera, I also picked up and packed a disposable, waterproof film camera on a whim. I carried the disposable camera around me for a bit most days and just took quick pictures of anything I found interesting. It was fun and relaxing to not be constantly adjusting the camera and lens settings or checking the screen to see if I got the shot. Not every photo came out the way I had envisioned it – going back to a set ASA (ISO) and static focal length forces you to put your photography knowledge to work – but the ones that did have that special quality to them that digital photography just can’t replicate.

Adventures in Analogue | Sophster-Toaster Blog Adventures in Analogue | Sophster-Toaster Blog Adventures in Analogue | Sophster-Toaster Blog

Getting my film developed was quite the process. First I had to find a shop/store that would do it. I settled on the Shopper’s Drug Mart across town (the only one that offered the service) after my mom assured me that the Shopper’s she works for, in a different town, does good work. I could have taken the film to a fancy camera shop but I figured I would keep the cheap train rolling and get my disposable camera developed on the cheap. This was probably a mistake. Once I finally found a store that would do it and found the convenient reason to drive across town, I was met by a young person who didn’t know what I was asking for. After showing him my camera and asking for my film to be developed, he continued to ask me if I wanted my passport photo taken. After my 6’4″ burly bearded husband stepped in, we discovered that this youth did not know what film was. Eventually, another employee came to help and knew exactly what we wanted and how to do it. My film was successfully sent away! I go home and eagerly await the phone call to tell me I can come pick it up. Two weeks pass and I get nervous. A month passes and I start to fear the worse. After several more weeks of preparing myself for the inevitability that my precious vacation photos are lost and trying to find another convenient time to drive across town, I go to inquire about my film. Luckily they have it! It is one of two packages waiting to be picked up. The same helpful employee who came to my rescue last time apologizes for the lack of a phone call and assures me that they usually call.

Adventures in Analogue | Sophster-Toaster Blog Adventures in Analogue | Sophster-Toaster Blog Adventures in Analogue | Sophster-Toaster Blog

Even after the ordeal of getting my photos back, shooting several days of my vacation on film was worth it. There is something special that happens when you return to the old technology. Even a year after my vacation, I remember the days I carried only my little disposable camera around so vividly. I was present in the moment and committing every sight, sound, smell and feeling to memory because I couldn’t rely on my camera to do it for me. The days I carried my DSLR are a little fuzzier, even though the photos are so much clearer. I spent more time looking down at the camera or through the lens, perfectly lining and timing my shots than I did experiencing the beauty around me. This was definitely a fun little experiment worth making a tradition out of. Maybe next time I’ll get a roll or two of film for my old camera and really test myself.

Adventures in Analogue | Sophster-Toaster Blog Adventures in Analogue | Sophster-Toaster Blog Adventures in Analogue | Sophster-Toaster Blog

All photos by me, shot on a Fujifilm QuickSnap Waterproof Single Use Camera (ASA 800, 32mm, f/10).