Over easy, or as my French friend, Miss Champagne, says, “easy over”, is my husband’s favourite way to have eggs for breakfast, so as newlyweds, I’ve been making them quite a lot lately. Eggs over easy are eggs that are fried, flipped once and cooked very briefly on that side, hence the “easy,” as opposed to hard/well and the elusive medium, so that the yolks are still mostly runny. As a sunny-side-up girl, I don’t see why you would ever want to flip your egg, but when I do, I like my yolks broken.
How to Make Eggs Over Easy:
1. Heat a small non-stick pan over medium heat
2. Add no more than 1 tbsp of butter, which is needed more for flavour than lubrication
3. Crack the egg(s) into the pan
4. Once they start to set, jiggle the pan a bit to ensure they are not sticking and to work any air bubbles out towards the edges
5. Season with a pinch of salt and pepper at this time
6. Cook until the whites are opaque but the yolks are still liquid, then, if you are talented, flip them with a quick jerk of your wrist or, if you are not, use a large spatula and try to flip them as one piece.
7. Cook them for a count of 10 then slide them onto a plate and serve them up-side-down, as I do, or flip them again in the pan and serve correctly.