Eggs Everyway: How to Make Scrambled Eggs

Scrambled eggs: the favourite breakfast of Dick Van Dyke’s character, Robert Petrie, on The Dick Van Dyke Show and the first kind of egg most of us ever tried to prepare. Although scrambled eggs are easy to make, multiply conveniently and take additions well, they are also easy to mess up and make wrong. The following is my personal, fool-proof way to make delicious scrambled eggs. Continue reading

Eggs Everyway: How to Make Eggs Over Easy

Over easy, or as my French friend, Miss Champagne, says, “easy over”, is my husband’s favourite way to have eggs for breakfast, so as newlyweds, I’ve been making them quite a lot lately. Eggs over easy are eggs that are fried, flipped once and cooked very briefly on that side, hence the “easy,” as opposed to hard/well and the elusive medium, so that the yolks are still mostly runny. As a sunny-side-up girl, I don’t see why you would ever want to flip your egg, but when I do, I like my yolks broken.


Eggs Over Easy

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Eggs Everyway: How to Make Hard Boiled Eggs


One of my favourite foods to eat and cook is also the first food I learned to cook that didn’t come in a box with instructions printed on the side, that food is the egg. Hard boiling your eggs is one of the easiest ways to prepare them and is a skill that every woman, who takes pride in her cooking, should master. It may not be the most exciting form an egg can take but it does have several delicious destinations including egg salad sandwiches, devilled eggs or my mom’s specialty, pickled eggs. Continue reading