Trends that Need to End – 2011 Edition

I’ve seen some things this year – scary things – and not to offend or ridicule, but offered as a friendly tip, a second opinion if you will, these are the trends that need to end this year.

Tights as Pants

Ladies, I can see everything. It is completely unbecoming. Tights are in the same family as nylons/silks and stockings, meaning they are underwear. You are walking around in your unmentionables. Are you not cold? Continue reading

You Can Wear White after Labour Day

At this time of year, many of us look at the clothes, shoes and accessories our friends and peers choose to wear and wonder: when is it time to put away our summer styles? In recent years, the “fashion rules” have become more lenient in respect to when we can wear certain items or colours and still look sharp and presentable; for example, fashion experts now say that we can wear white, without fear of their ridicule, well past Labour Day. However, this does not mean we can throw all rules and common sense out the window. There are basic, and often practical, guidelines we should follow to avoid playing the fool, like so many fashion violators we see everyday at work or school. Continue reading

How to: Wear Tights

Every so often, a fashion trend emerges so versatile that it does not come with a set of rules. Over time, through trail and serious errors in judgement, an unwritten rule book begins to form. The trouble is, not everyone seems to get a copy of the book. I don’t know if it’s that the people committing fashion atrocities with tights are set in their ways, particularly oblivious to fashion media or perhaps, simply don’t own a full length mirror and their friends are too polite to say anything. Sometimes, it seems that fashion messages get lost in transition, but not to fret, for I am here to help. Continue reading