Alberta’s Top Baby Names of 2011

The decision of what to name a child is not one made lightly by any parent (I’ve been thinking of the perfect name for years, and I’ve got a few more years to go before I need to decide). Consequently, the new parents of Albert came up with some pretty interesting names last year, as the Edmonton Journal’s Brent Wittmeier discovered in “My name is Moo, how do you do?” I wonder how unique it is to be named Unique when you are not the only one.

Trends that Need to End – 2011 Edition

I’ve seen some things this year – scary things – and not to offend or ridicule, but offered as a friendly tip, a second opinion if you will, these are the trends that need to end this year.

Tights as Pants

Ladies, I can see everything. It is completely unbecoming. Tights are in the same family as nylons/silks and stockings, meaning they are underwear. You are walking around in your unmentionables. Are you not cold? Continue reading

Three Wedding Dress Styles – Spring/Summer 2011

In addition to my own wedding, I was lucky enough to attend two other weddings this year. As a woman, what I looked forward to most as the wedding dates approached was seeing what the brides’ wedding dresses would look like. For the most part, each dress was starkly different this season but they did have a few, somewhat shocking, similarities. Continue reading

And Puppy Makes Three

Bringing a dog into your home is a huge personal commitment and a big step for two people in a committed relationship. My fiancé has been dying for a dog and since the day that friends of our decided to get a puppy, his talk of dogs has become more suggestive and less futuristic. While we may be ready for this peak in our lives, are we ready for what comes next? In so many examples before us, it always seems like: first comes puppy, then comes baby. Continue reading