Hair bows are a good beginner project, with straight lines both cut and sewn, the hardest part is not gluing the bow to your hand at the end!
Category Archives: Personal Style
Autumn Nautical
I’ve always loved September, it’s the only month that brings with it an abrupt change of season. The weather cools down enough to dress up a little without being uncomfortable, there are new, rich colours and textures to get excited about and an academic sophistication seems to sweep over everyone.
The Sophster-Toaster Shop Featured on “Into the Woods”
Check out Into the Woods today to see how the lovely Miss Alexandra styled The Mint Sorbet Dress!
The Mint Sorbet Dress was a one-of-a-kind dress, but there are others like it still available!

The Peach Parfait Dress is a sister dress to the Mint Sorbet.
The Birthday Sale!
Today marks the first anniversary of the Sophster-Toaster shop! It’s been an exciting year full of ridiculous goals being set and achieved. Timid goals like making my first sale and making my first sale to someone who wasn’t a supportive friend were set early and achieved… eventually. More adventurous goals like being regularly included in treasury collections and actually making a profit were then officially set and achieved after months of constant learning and perpetual improvement. Then recently, on a whim (and pressure from my father-in-law), I set the wondrously unattainable goal of having one of my items featured on the front page of Etsy and was then promptly shocked when it happened… a week later. In a curious attempt to settle once and for all the power (magic?) of setting goals, I started focusing on my shop’s international appeal with the goal of bagging my first international sale. A few weeks later, I was delighted to send three tenderly packed parcels overseas.
None of these feats, goals and exhilarations could have been attained without all of the people who took a minute to look at, love and share the beauty I strive to create everyday. So… to thank all of you lovelies, I’m having a BIG, weekend-long birthday sale to celebrate my first year and thank everyone who helped me achieve my crazy goals. Continue reading