Why Get Married?

I grew up with a father telling me “a baby is no reason to get married,” and a mother, married to him, telling me “the only reason to get married is if you want to have children.” Conflicting life lessons aside, they both have strong and valid points. With my own wedding only one week away and no bun in my oven, I, as I’m sure many other couples have, am wondering, why get married in this day and age, in a society that no longer deems is necessary? Continue reading

Premarital Intimacy

There are many conversations that need to be had between a couple that are thinking of forming a small family unit. Throughout our year long engagement, two year cohabitation and total eight year relationship, my fiancé and I feel confident that we have eliminated all possible conflict inducing surprises. We have both watched helplessly as each of our families fell apart and we have seen what can happen when crucial conversations are not had before entering into wedlock with your perceived perfect soul-mate. I may not have more than a few psychology credits in my past but what I do have is experience, and in my experience, the following conversation topics are part of the essential matters that must be discussed before committing to put up with someone for the rest of your lives. Continue reading

Love, Honour and Obey

At T-minus six months until our wedding, my fiancé and I have most of the ground work laid out for the planning of our reception; more important to us than the ceremony because we’ve both, independently, always viewed our future marriage as greater than our future wedding. However, now that the impending wedding date is looming, we’ve started feeling the pressure to get the ceremony situated. It would seem the biggest decision we must make regarding the ceremony, aside from the decision to marry each other, concerns the vows. Continue reading